The Agyaa Koo and Kyeiwaa type movies, although a lot richer in terms of local content tend to place too much emphasis on comedy and witchcraft.
Hip-life sensation, Sarkodie, hit the nail right on the head in a recent interview with Joy FM Super Morning Show Host, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, when he observed that the failure of Ghanaian productions to permeate foreign markets was due mainly to one missing yet vital ingredient: culture. In other words, the ability to recognize a Ghanaian product can be a cumbersome task at times. Music suffers from a similar fate but I would have to put it on the backburner for the time being since it requires a full article on its own. Culture is one area where I really admire the Nigerians. Nollywood movies are almost always laced with a significant dose of Naija culture. I’m not saying they are a hundred percent when it comes to flaunting their culture but the fact is, compared to Ghana, Nigeria is miles ahead in terms of global reach and that is due primarily to the good use they make of their culture. The Nigerian accent for instance is easily recognizable.
So what then is the way forward? For starters, it wouldn’t hurt if we started taking our culture more seriously. We need to ask ourselves, what makes us unique as Ghanaians? We need to identify those positive factors which define our people as a whole and incorporate them into our movie industry. The Nigerians aren’t flooding our markets with their movies because they have better marketers than we do, but rather because aside the quality, their productions are infused with a lot of their culture.
Take weddings as an example. I have observed that many Ghanaian movies tend to portray church or Christian weddings with western style apparel such as suits and gowns as the attires of choice. Nollywood movies on the other hand tend to place more emphasis on traditional wedding ceremonies with colourful traditional apparel and of course the singing, drumming and dancing. It’s not by mere coincidence too that many Ghanaians are often heard using common Igbo phrases such as ‘chineke me’ (oh my God) and ‘tufiakwa’ (God forbid) to express themselves. I would be pleasantly surprised if Nigerians use ‘Akwaaba’ in welcoming visitors back in Naija. Copying other cultures is not bad per se, but a lot of caution must be exercised when copying so that we don’t copy the negative or superfluous aspects of other cultures. Some of our positive cultural values such as respect for the elderly, hard work and hospitality should be incorporated into our movies as a matter of urgency. We could even make use of some publications by Ghanaian writers. The Nigerians did it with Chinua Achebe’s ’Things Fall Apart’ and we can equally do the same with Amu Djoleto’s ‘Money Galore’ for instance, which is a satire of Ghana’s political history.
We need to start taking pride in what we’ve got. We have a beautiful country filled with so much potential which can be harnessed to provide a much needed boost for our movie industry. We should be willing to learn the latest trends since we are living in an increasingly globalizing world where innovations abound. As we embrace such innovations, let us however remember to spare a thought for our rich culture. I believe these two parameters must go hand in hand to ensure that Ghana receives the needed recognition and who knows, an Academy Award might be in the offing. There’s no harm in trying is there?
This article was written by LSG Staff Writer Masahoud Cudjoe.
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Kudos to the author! You hit the nail right on the head. My hope is that,this gets to the right people and every eye that reads this and have something to do with the industry takes action now! I have always wondered why we have westernized names as characters, titles and such. Dont even get me started on the fake accents. I want to believe its complex inferiority but i digress.
You hit the nail right on the head.. In fact you did it so many times oh. good good good
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