On the 13th of August, 2009... The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Silky I.T. Production - Basil Anothony. He gave a talk during the Teens Aloud 5th Workshop at the YMCA Hall, Accra, GH. His presentation was on the subject of - "THE INTERNET AND ITS LIMITLESS OPPORTUNITIES." LSG commends the efforts of Silky IT Productions and their determination to educate the youth of GH on the power of the internet and its numerous advantages even when one is based in a developing country such as GH! Below is a recap of the speech that Basil Anothony delivered at the YMCA Hall where he touched on 'Business, Communication, Remote Work, & Security'... LSG salutes you Silky IT Productions!!!
The internet is an interconnection of various networks over a wide area. It provides you with an opportunity to publish a website at a specified www address. I’ll classify the limitless opportunities of the internet into four categories, namely: Business, Communication, Remote work and Security.
1. Business
E- business, this is using the convenience, flexibility, security and global reach of the internet technologies together with the traditional information system, to enhance an existing business or create a virtual business. E-commerce is concerned with the buying and selling of the information and products and services via the internet. E-commerce is just one aspect of e- business, others include: e-banking, e-procurement, e-trading etc.
Giving your business a virtual presence takes away the cost of putting up a structure and an initial capital. The internet allows you to showcase you business in pictures like you have in any normal business setting. This can be possible when you have a website, where you’ll be able to put information, ideas and presentations about your business.
The internet makes your goods and services available to your customers regardless of their geographical location. The internet is also available 24 hours a day/7 days a week/52 weeks per year, therefore making you business open all the time unlike in the traditional setting where you have an opening and closing tome.
2. Communication
The internet has come to improve marketing by cutting down the cost of moving from one place to the other and making phone calls. It now allows you to reach more people faster than you could have done using the traditional marketing methods. The internet has come to improve the customer relationship management system. It allows to effectively and efficiently handle large number of customer requests, which is impossible in the traditional settings. The Internet allows you to set an automatic email response so that when the customer request comes in, an automatic reply is sent to them, telling them that you’ll get back to them shortly. With this the customer feels special.
With the introduction of FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) on most website, most of the questions that bother our minds are answered. It has now become very necessary that everyone should have an email address because it eases communication and it is cheaper.

3. Remote Work
You can have the opportunity to create an online storage space where you can easily have access to any information you need regardless of where you are. You can also send files via the internet. With internet available, we now have remote applications. Here you don’t need to install any software on the machine to be able to use the application. You’ll only have to log on and have access to the application this is what Intercontinental Bank and Western Union uses. With remote access, you don’t need to travel across your borders to have meeting, conferences or even do presentations. Now Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is here to make things cheaper. We also have various chat services available on the internet. We can also do a video conference instead of travelling for the conference
4. Security
The internet provides ways of securing your business first with secure certificate and approved payment systems. Always look out for https:// anytime you are dealing with payment or looking for secured sites. You must obtain insurance for your business just like you do in the traditional business setting.
Getting a website is one sure way of selling yourself to the entire world. In your website, you can really market yourself there to attract more people to you, the same way you can loose people, so be careful what you put on your website. Teens aloud can make their website more attractive and draw peoples mind to it, with this you can even sell advert space on your website. Look at myjoyonline today; they are making it big time because of the services they provide. It only takes time to grow so I know teens aloud can make it. It is easy to setup a business using the internet than doing the traditional way, with the internet you do not need any capital to start; just a good website and you’ll be able to do transactions in different parts of the world. We now know some of the limitless opportunities the internet provides, let us not fold our arms and sit down for others to do it, we can also do it and put teens aloud, a step ahead of the other youth groups. Be careful of the courses you study in school. The world today is moving towards the Information Technology (IT) era, so don’t be left out. We should all have the basic IT Knowledge notwithstanding where we find ourselves. There are so many things to learn, so go out there and use the internet to do something good and teach a friend to do the same. THANK YOU.'

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